
Update task


This task just deploys changed code as: deleted code, added code and updated code, for example if you changed a class called MyClass.cls and you deleted a trigger called MyTrigger.trigger This deletes MyTrigger.trigger and it updates MyClass.cls according file tracker in your organization.


This task has two parameters called excludes and folders. You can choose folder or folders to update it. Also, you are able to exclude files by name by folder and using wildcards.

Those parameters can be used as task property or into your build script.

Executing update task

Without parameters

User can update all files that are listed on file tracker like file changed, deleted or new file. If you want to run this task, you should write the next command:

$ gradle update

Note: This command , when executed, deploys files that were listed by file tracker in your organization.

Using folders parameter

A user can update files that are within the folder user wants and are listed on file tracker as changed, deleted or new files.

$ gradle update -Pfolders=classes
$ gradle update -Pfolders=classes,objects,triggers

Note: Many Folders can be added

Using excludes parameter

A user can update all files that are listed on file tracker as changed, deleted or new files, excluding files by their name, by folders, or using wildcards.

This parameter can exclude files by:

folder if you want to exclude a folder or folders, you should write the following parameter:

    $ gradle update -Pexcludes=classes
    $ gradle update -Pexcludes=classes,objects.

file if you want to exclude a file or files, You should write the following parameter:

    $ gradle update -Pexcludes=classes/Class1.cls

wildcard if you want to exclude using wildcard, you should write the following parameter:

    $ gradle update  -Pexcludes=classes/**
    $ gradle update  -Pexcludes=objects/*.object
    $ gradle update  -Pexcludes=**/*Account*/**
    $ gradle update  -Pexcludes=**/*.cls

Using validate parameter

Validates that files to deleted exist within their Org (Default value is false)

	$gradle delete -Pvalidate=false

Using help parameter

A user can view the description and the parameters that contains the task by using the help

	$gradle update -Phelp


without parameters:


In this case four files were changed from my local directory (object1__c.object, Page1.page, Trigger1.trigger and Class1.cls) and I want to deploy only files updated to my organization and not all files.


$ gradle update


            Username: juan.perez.f@gmail.com
            Login type: login

                  Status Files Changed
    Object1__c.object - Changed file
    Page1.page - Changed file
    Trigger1.trigger - Changed file
    Class1.cls - Changed file

    Starting deploy...
    [==================================================]   100%
    The files were successfully deployed


Using folders parameter:


In this case Class1.cls was changed and Class2.cls was deleted, Trigger1.trigger was added and Object1__c.object was changed. I just want to deploy the classes and triggers that were updated and not the other files that were changed.

To cover this scenario, you should write the following command:

$ gradle update -Pfolders=classes,triggers


            Username: juan.perez.f@gmail.com
            Login type: login

                  Status Files Changed
    Trigger1.trigger - new file
    Class1.cls - Deleted file
    Class2.cls - Changed file

    Starting deploy...
    [==================================================]   100%
    The files were successfully deployed


Using excludes parameter:


In this case Class1.cls was added, Class2.cls and Class3.cls was deleted and Class4.cls was changed. I want to deploy all classes that were updated but Class4.cls

To cover this scenario, you should use the following command:

$ gradle update -Pexcludes=**/Class4.cls


    > gradle update
            Username: juan.perez@mail.com
            Login type: login

              Status Files Changed
    Class1.cls - new file
    Class2.cls - deleted file
    Class3.cls - deleted file
                  Files excluded
    Class4.cls -  excluded
    Starting deploy...
    [==================================================]   100%
    The files were successfully deployed



In this case classes and obejcts were updated and I just want to deploy objects.

To cover this scenario, you should write the following command:

$ gradle update -Pexcludes=classes


    > gradle update
            Username: juan.perez@mail.com
            Login type: login

              Status Files Changed
    Account.object - Changed file
                  Files excluded
    Class1.cls -  excluded
    Class2.cls -  excluded
    Starting deploy...
    [==================================================]   100%
    The files were successfully deployed