Run the Analysis

Running a SonarQube analysis on your project

These following steps will help you run a SonarQube analysis in one of your local projects, and then see the report of the issues found.

Initial configuration

First off, you’ll need to configure the SonarQube scanner as an enviroment variable


Next, you are going to need to add the Apex plugin jar file (apex-plugin.jar) to the plugins of Sonarqube, in the following subfolder “/sonarqube/extensions/plugins/”

Start the SonarQube server

In the folder where you installed SonarQube, you need to go to the sub-folder bin and then to the sub-folder corresponding to your OS.

Once inside, run ./ console to start the SonarQube server.

Scanning projects

  1. Create a file at the root of your project

        sonar.projectName=My project

    sonar.projectKey: must be unique in a given SonarQube instance

    sonar.projectName: this is the name displayed in the SonarQube UI

    sonar.language: specifies the language for analysis

    sonar.sources: this “dot” indicates to sonnar scanner to scan all files from the current level of directories, this is, all files that have an extension “.cls”. This extension is defined by plugin scanner.

  2. Run ‘sonar-runner’ command from the project root dir.

  3. Follow the link provided at the end of the analysis to browse your project’s quality in SonarQube UI.